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Corrupted Radiatons
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Michael Rogers
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Michael Rogers on Smashwords
The Rostical Guild
Book One - Sceldrant's Comet
Book Two - Desert Dragon
Book Three - Corrupted Radiatons
Book Four - Bakana Flare
Book Five - Healing Monarchs
Book Six - Elemental Rage
Book Seven - Tales Of
The Rostical Users
Book One - Sceldrant's Comet
Book Two - Celestrial Lancer
Book Three - Madora's Prophecy
Book Four - Sacred Knights
Book Five - Number One
Book Six - Daathic Darkwings
Book Seven - Seraphic Gate
The Rostical Quest
The Dontalia Facility
Check out hand drawn maps for the Rostical series
Maps for The Rostical Saga
Copyright (c) 2015 by Michael Rogers
Special thanks to Sallie, Sarah and the many others who proofread this story.
Be sure to check the back for the character BIO and appendix for character descriptions and miscellaneous information.
The names and incidents portrayed and the names herein are fictitious, and any similarity to the name, character or history is entirely coincidental and unintentional.
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Michael: “In the third epic installment, our heroes find the origin to the 'Yellow-eyed disease'. Together, with the help of the Astraseeker, Arcadia, track down an unknown creature harnessing the power of Radiatons.”
Lezard: “Ooo, isn't this scary?”
Karol: “W-Weally sckary!”
Michael: “Confronted by Niklauseh and Ginger Susanoo, the creature unexpectedly steals some of the planet's Aurorions! With the world slowly decaying and an unknown creature walking the lands, what will The Rostical Guild do?”
Ginger: “Ey reader, do not be fooled, we annihilated this entity.”
Klaus: “Please respond?”
Michael: “Luna and Destiny further heighten their Soul Link and obtain many new abilities. Guild members share sensitive information about themselves and open up, allowing the potential to Hi-Ougi with each other!”
Luna: “Hi-Owgee!”
Destiny: “Yeup!”
Michael: “Twortz, under the direct orders of the Consultant, tracks and finds The Last Unknown Territory, discovers the mystery behind them and its secrets! Everything seemed to be going smoothly, until the moment Twortz was suddenly confronted by the very person she hates!! How will her tale end? And who could it be?”
Twortz: “Tale end? My professional career, I have a long time until I reach retirement.”
Michael: “From people made of paper, to twins creating a new element of mist-like fire, the revelation of the final villain and familiar faces from The Rostical User series, this will be a delicious tale to read! Many questions answered and many more to be explained, read to find out!”
Michael: “Thank you so much for reading and continuing on with this adventure. Please enjoy-”
Karol: “The Remenistal Guild!”
Rachael: “The Rostical Guild!”
Nathan: “The Rostical Guild.”
Lezard: “The Succulently Scrumptious Remenistal Guild!”
Luna: “The Rostickal Guild!”
Destiny: “Yeu Yeu Yeup!”
Michael and Lezard: “And remember, chapter zero is skippable! Now, cue intro theme song!”
Chapter 0: Previously
Previously on, The Rostical Guild-
Astragon Projection: "Too late, I will-" *He looked down, noticing the grass begin to rot.* "How-?"
*The Astragon Projection quickly glanced at the guild members with growing anger.*
Astragon Projection: "Did you deceive me? Someone has already tampered with the Aurorions!"
Luna: (He sounds pissed-)
Astragon Projection: "I don't believe-, I failed!" *He glared at Rachael, ignoring the dying grass around him.*
Rachael: "No one has deceived you. We're all here!"
Astragon Projection: (We have no idea what you're talking about for the last time!) *Rachael's words echoed in his mind.* "Maybe.. Maybe you aren't a threat."
Trevour: "His Neurons.. They're fading-" *He watched the man's skin revert back to its normal colour, as the tattoo-like markings slowly faded away.*
Astragon Projection: "I've failed..." *He dropped to the ground, causing his ethereal-like flapping of the clothes to stop moving.*
Rachael: "What did you fail?" *She spoke with concern while keeping her guard up.*
Astragon Projection: "If the Aurorions have been tampered, it will increase the likely chances of corruption to spread-.." *He spoke in a worried-like manner.* "It will change the landscapes, it will bring nothing but death!"
Trevour: "P-Pardon..?"
Lezard: (I'm not sure if we should take his word or not-)
Nathan: "This Astral Projection has gone loopy, ignore it-"
Astragon Projection: *He looked over his shoulder and stared at The Elemental Tower with worry.* "How have I failed to notice-?"
Rachael: "Looks like he isn't keen on fighting any more-, Lezard!"
Lezard: "Yes?!"
Rachael: *She noticed Lezard's exhausted state, causing her to sigh in understanding.* "Please check on Karol, but be easy on yourself too."
Lezard: "Rogermotto!" *He giggled with a tired smile and hobbled towards Karol.*
Trevour: "I'm all so very confused with what's happening." *He stood in a casual pose and walked towards the Astragon Projection, listening to his armour rattle with every step.*
Luna: "So, did we win, or not?"
Destiny: "Yeup."
Nathan: "Well, we won the fight, but he's still here, so I think we failed the mission?"
Rachael: "Excuse me." *She tried to catch the man's attention.* "What is the problem?"
Astragon Projection: "How can an Elementalist be so foolish?" *He slowly faced Rachael with a sudden loss of hope.* "The end of the world."
Rachael: *She froze with growing shock.* (E-End of the-?)
Astragon Projection: "How exactly does the Astragons flow through everything?"
Lezard: *He kneeled over Karol with his arms spread over him.* "Astragons are space, it naturally flows through everything."
Astragon Projection: "Even a Radiaton User.. Have they lost the teachings in Valhalla? Or are you naturally half witted?"
Luna: (Valhalla?)
Lezard: "..."
Astragon Projection: "The planet's Aurorions spins and cycles the Astragons.. Without the cycling process, all-"
Lezard: "All Astragons will fade away.." *He spoke on his breath with a dropping jaw, as if he couldn't believe what he just said.*
Luna: "Wait? This is soundin' way more important than defeatin' some ghost guy."
Rachael: "How did it happen-?" *She looked down, noticing the dead appearing grass.*
Astragon Projection: *He looked down and closed his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose.* "Shadiatons.. Shadiatons was used here last."
rd: (Shadiatons? This is something I need to talk to father monster about-)
Astragon Projection: "Please-" *He looked back up, glancing at each guild member.* "Find the person that has stolen the Aurorions before it's too late."
Nathan: "But.. The yellow-eyed disease-"
Astragon Projection: "The corruption?" *He looked at Nathan, as his body slowly became transparent.* "It will spread like a wildfire if balance isn't restored."
Luna: "Balance? End of the world? Back down, buddy, we ain't no fire fightin' planet captains."
Rachael: "What are Shadiatons and how do we find the person that stole these-?!"
Astragon Projection: "Everyone, is that you?" *He blindly stared out into space before bursting into tiny white orbs.*
Rachael: *She looked up, watching the orbs float high into the sky.* "..."
Nathan: *He smiled and looked Luna in the eyes.* "Ha ha."
Luna: *Her smile slowly faded into seriousness, as she stared at Nathan's lips.* "Thanks, aye."
Nathan: *He dropped the sword and placed one hand on Luna's face.* "We thought we lost you."
Luna: *She rested flat on her back, staring up at Nathan who leant over her in a protective-like manner.* "Oh...?"
Destiny: "Yeu?" *She purred to herself, listening to Luna and Nathan's heartbeat.*
Nathan: "Don't scare me like that-"
Luna: *She pushed her head up and closed her eyes, kissing Nathan on the lips.* (Oh my god!-)
Nathan: *He closed his eyes and passionately kissed Luna back.* "..."
Destiny: *She listened to their heartbeats grow with rapid beats.* (Yeup?)
Nathan: *He rested his left arm over Luna on the ground.* (This feels-) *He smiled with his eyes closed, as he continued to kiss Luna.*
Luna: (I can feel his smile-) *She smiled back, keeping her eyes closed.*
Karol: *He looked up and noticed Nathan and Luna kissing.* "Eww."
Nathan: *He leant back and stared at Luna, admiring her face.* "Umm."
Luna: "So.. You like stuff?" *She smiled, listening to Destiny purr in happiness.*
Karol: "Stahp! You will get cooties!" *He slowly stood up and walked towards Nathan and Luna.*
Nathan: "Ha ha, you'll understand when you're a man."
Karol: "I am-, I'ma, a man!"
Nathan: "Well-" *He spoke in a deep voice, glancing at Luna with blushing cheeks.*
Luna: "That.. Felt nice." *She mumbled with blushing cheeks and shyly looked away.*
Nathan: (Felt nice?) *He thought to himself with widening eyes, triggering a flashback.*
*Nathan and Isabella stood in the middle of a forest, next to a small glittering lake.*
Isabella: "Nathan, we can't!" *She shook her head and turned away with her back facing him.*
*A younger appearing Nathan stepped forward and grabbed her arm, turning her around.*
Nathan: "Bell, it doesn't matter."
Isabella: "..." *She looked down, avoiding eye contact.*
Nathan: "Isabella!"
Isabella: "I-" *She looked up and shook her head.* "You're a Scoldrant User, I'm a Fore Hunter."
Nathan: "So-?!"
Isabella: "It can never work out!" *She shouted with watering eyes, as if she didn't agree with what she was saying.*
Nathan: "Please-"
Nathan: "Isabella!" *He shouted in fear, causing Luna to lean back.*
Luna: "W-Who?"
Nathan: "I-.." *He gritted his teeth in recollection and stood up, picking up his sword.* "We should head back."
Luna: "Isa.. Bella?"
Nathan: "Don't.. Just don't." *He mumbled with regret and faced Karol.* "Let's go."
Karol: *He watched Nathan slowly stagger away, as if he was overcome with different feelings.* "Nafan?"
Nathan: *He tried to hide his sadness with a frown, trying to hold back his tears.* (Men don't cry.. You're a man, Nathan-)
Luna: "You fucking faggot fuck!" *She screamed with growing emotion and angrily stood up.*
Karol: "L-Loona?"
Nathan: "...-" *He discreetly gasped with widening eyes.*
Luna: "Nah, fuck this aye!" *She unintentionally screamed at Karol and focused all her attention to Nathan's back.*
Nathan: (For a splitting moment.. You made me almost forget about her, Luna.)
*Luna formed a fist and purposely looked away from Destiny.*
Luna: "I hated how much I was in love with him.. This went on for years and when he finally broke up with her, he ended it with me too. It didn't make sense.."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "I was always different, I could never relate to people my own age.. I'd either be friends with people younger or older, I just, I just don't understand.."
Destiny: "Yeu, yeu.."
Luna: "One night, I was drivin'.."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "I know, I was a little underaged rebel, aye. But, I accidentally hit a cat.. At first, I was like, you stupid cat, runnin' across the road-.. But then I was suddenly filled with guilt. I turned around and drove up the same street to see if the cat was okay."
Destiny: "..."
Luna: "The memory was burnt into my head.. I remember seein' the cat, lookin' at the headlights and it started to move its legs to run off the road, but it couldn't-" *She covered her mouth with watering eyes.*
Destiny: ".. Yeu."
Luna: "I hopped out of the car and by the time I held the cat, it was dead. I carried its warm lifeless body off the road and drove home."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "That night, I was so angry at myself for takin' a life.. It was the first time I cut myself, as punishment. I didn't do it because I like the pain or anythin', I did it because I felt like I deserved that pain."
Destiny: "Yeup."
Luna: "People who are truly sad, hide their suffering in the shadows, there was no need to tell anyone-.. Aha." *She chuckled at herself, glancing at Destiny with emotion.* "I'm hell shit at tellin' stories, aye."
Destiny: "Yeu.."
Luna: "I lost my dad at a young age, I can't even remember him really.. And Kairi, I love her, but I don't respect her.. Like at all.. So, I really didn't have any parents to talk to."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "So, after Jesse, I finally found another person that made me happy, that made me forget the growing cold feeling inside-" *She placed her hand on her chest, symbolising where she felt the coldness.* "He.. We spent nearly everyday hangin' out for months, until he randomly said he didn't have feelings for me like that."