Corrupted Radiatons Page 2
Destiny: "...-"
Luna: "It was a waste of my life.. I decided to even reduce my standards and talk to the nice people. Wat a joke that was, I even got abused or lied to by even people lower than me-"
*Luna placed her hand on the rock and curled her nails in, scratching the rock, as she formed an emotional fist.*
Luna: "So, I started to hurt myself again." *She observed the faint scars on her wrist.* "Despite the extremity of hurting myself, I never thought about takin' my own life.. I thought that was a pathetic and cowardly way out."
Destiny: (Yeup..)
Luna: "I found wat I like to call a soul friend."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "I'm a believer of soul mates and soul friends. In my opinion, you only need one of each to live a happy life. I believe-" *She looked up, watching the sky darken into a darker shade of red.* "You live to love, and you love to live. That's my thoughts about life, the meaning of it."
Destiny: "Yeu, yeu?"
Luna: *She looked at Destiny.* "I've been truly in love twice in my entire life.. First time was with Jesse and the other, was very recently, before I got transported to this world, aye."
Destiny: *She tilted her head at an angle.* "Yeup?"
Luna: "His name was.. No-, is, his name is King."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "It was perfect.. Like, perfect. It was the first time besides Jesse I thought I could spend the rest of my life with someone. I thought I found the one."
Destiny: "..."
Luna: "He had to go away for work, and I'd wait an entire month without hearing anythin'. I waited seven whole months until I was the one that had to end it. I knew I was going to fall back into my depressive state, so I ended communications with my soul friend."
Destiny: "Yeup?"
Luna: "'Cause.. She once said, that she really wasn't a fan of someone in particular, because they were constantly depressed. And that's exactly wat I was gonna be, a sad sack of shit, aye."
Destiny: "Yeu.."
Luna: "I had a lot of friends, but none that I'd want to share my life story with. Like, I was almost embarrassed by the way I did things.." *She ran her hand along each cut, feeling the slight bump in the skin.*
Destiny: "Yeu, yeu, yeup?"
Luna: "I.. Could be happy bein' with someone, but even then, I'm afraid of opening up. I have an awesome face and kool body figure, but-"
*Luna placed her hands on her breasts and crossed her arms, hugging herself.*
Luna: "I don't have as big tits as everyone else. I'm also quite hairy and I sweat easily, do you understand how rank that is? I can't even have fun, because I'm so self-conscious of wat I look like."
Destiny: "Yeup." *She started to brush herself against Luna's leg.*
Luna: "No!" *She pushed Destiny away with sad-filled frustration.* "I'm freakin' serious. I'm still a virgin, I haven't done really anythin' because of my downfalls."
Destiny: "Yeu!-"
Luna: "So.. I've come to the realisation that I'm gonna be forever alone."
Destiny: "...-"
Luna: "I'm disgustin'. Fucking disgusting, aye."
*Transparent blue strings started to sway out of Luna and Destiny, wafting with the subtle changes in the air.*
Luna: "Even though I get treated right, that's just how I feel-" *She spoke with her eyes shut.*
*The air stood still around Luna and Destiny, as several transparent blue strings already connected appeared in between them.*
Luna: "I..." *The blue strings that weren't attached to Destiny's suddenly connected together, causing a violent pulse of wind to blow around them.*
Destiny: (Yeu?) *She meowed as if she knew something was happening, but continued to embrace Luna as if she didn't care.*
Luna: *She cried, failing to notice the numerous Soul Links which connected them together.* "Destiny..."
Destiny: "Yeu?" *She looked down, watching green sparkles glitter from her falling tears.*
Luna: "Thanks.." *She smiled while tears continued to run down her cheeks.*
Destiny: (Thank you too-)
Luna: "Gah-?! Wat the flyin' fuck!-" *She screamed and instinctively backhanded Destiny off the rock.*
Destiny: "Yeup!" *She hissed and hit the ground, causing Luna to scrunch her eyes shut in pain.* "Shit?"
*The Soul Link suddenly faded out of visibility, as Luna rubbed the back of her head in discomfort.*
Luna: "Your pain? That hurt more than normal?"
Destiny: (But that didn't hurt me as much-)
Luna: "Holy fuck!" *She squealed in fright and quickly covered her mouth with both hands.*
Destiny: (You can hear-?) *She opened her eyes, causing both her and Luna to gasp in silence.*
Luna: "H-Huh?" *She gently slid off the rock and looked down to Destiny with a dropping jaw.*
Destiny: (C-C...)
Luna: "Colour!"
Destiny: (Colour!)
Luna: "I-.. We can see in colour." *She staggered to the side with a loss of balance, dropping to her knees.*
Destiny: "Yeup?" *She hopped towards Luna and suddenly floated across the ground, causing her to meow in shock and disbelief.*
Luna: "A-Aye?" *She purposely waved her arm underneath Destiny, looking down from her point of view.*
Destiny: (I-I can-)
Luna: *She suddenly stood up and hugged Destiny with a growing smile.* "You can finally float."
Destiny: (And-)
Luna: (Can you hear me too?)
Destiny: "Yeup!" *She meowed in excitement.*
Luna: "Aha-" *She sniffed and continued to cry.*
Destiny: (Why are you still crying?)
Luna: "I dunno-" *She stepped back and spread her arms, cueing Destiny to float towards her.*
Destiny: (I can feel what you're feeling-)
Luna: (All these emotions-) *She held Destiny in her arms, smiling in thought.* (I don't think I'm due for my period yet?)
*Destiny and Luna suddenly looked at each other with blank faces and suddenly burst into giggles.*
Destiny: "Yeup!" *She hopped out of Luna's arms and floated towards the lake.*
Luna: "This whole, flyin' around shit is new-"
Destiny: (Seeing from my eyes-)
Luna: "Yea. I'm not as disorientated as I should be, if that makes sense."
Destiny: (I felt something before.. Maybe our connection grew in strength?)
Luna: (Maybe-) *She thought to herself with an evil-like smile.* (We can so totally bitch about people to us-)
Destiny: "Huesst!" *She hissed in disagreement.*
Luna: "Calm your farm, I was jokin', aye."
Destiny: *She looked down, staring at her rippling reflection in the lake.* (I'm... Floating.) "Yeup."
Luna: *She walked towards the lake and bent down, staring at herself in shock.* "Colour..."
*Luna gently touched her face from a different angle, cueing Destiny to float on top of her head.*
Destiny: "Yeup." *She sat on Luna's head and looked into the lake, watching Luna rub the skin around her eyes.*
*Ginger and Arcadia walked across an aura made path, watching dark grey mist appear around them, outside the path.*
Ginger: "Ey, Arcadia, where is this mist coming from? And why is it only surrounding the outside? Please respond."
Arcadia: "Thy'm confused, Ginger. Is this your first time entering the dream state?"
Ginger: "Your question is illogical. I would not be asking such questions if I've had such previous experience."
Arcadia: *She chuckled and widened her eyes, causing them to sparkle a beautiful golden colour.* "This is not mist-"
*Arcadia and Ginger continued to walk up, causing bright sunlight to shine around them.*
Ginger: "I-Illogical-" *She gasped to herself and observed the area around her, noticing she walked on a path above the clouds.*
Arcadia: "Valhalla is kept hidden above the clouds-" *She smirked and watched waterfalls pou
r down from floating islands.*
Ginger: "Grey and Niklauseh used to talk about Valhalla, but I never listened."
Arcadia: "Why?"
Ginger: "His stories were illogical. Why waste my time on false or fictional stories?"
Arcadia: "Thy can see where thou are coming from."
Ginger: "Is this kept in a Spacial Funnel-" *A flock of white doves flew past her, causing her to jump in fright.*
Arcadia: "This is Valhalla-" *She stepped onto a grassy meadow with beautiful swaying flowers.*
Ginger: "Land-?" *She purposely walked over to the edge and looked down, staring at a floor of cotton-like clouds.* "It's floating?"
Arcadia: "How else would the city stay in the sky?"
Ginger: "Done by Astragons-? Not possible! The amount of Astragons needed to-" *She suddenly touched the side of her head, frowning in confusion.* (That's illogical!)
Arcadia: *She suddenly looked to the side and frowned in a serious-like manner.* "It appears our presence has been noticed-"
Blake: (Purge... That orphanage.. No matter how long it's been, I can never forget those days-)
Tara: "So, when we get to this meeting-" *She smirked in determination.* "I'm telling the others how pathetic you are-"
Blake: "Bitch, please." *He slowly stood up, snapping out of his submissive-like state.*
Tara: "Harh?" *She looked up in confusion.*
Blake: "Who lit the fuse to your tampon, bitch? Stop with the defamation!"
Tara: (His attitude changed?)
Blake: "If I stand on my own two feet, there's nothing you can say to make me feel like dirt, aye."
Tara: "Fufufu, true." *She smirked and slowly stood up, facing Blake with evil intentions.*
Blake: "Then, what's with the unsexy smile then?"
Tara: "My words can't knock you to the dirt, but maybe-" *She formed a fist, making her intentions obvious to Blake.*
Blake: "You like, wanna fight me?"
Tara: "That obvious? I'll take that title away from you-" *She suddenly snapped her whip.* "By killing you!"
Blake: "Pfft, rito. You think you can just use the flaw in the system to become the leader?"
Tara: "Unlike you, I'll make The Black Brigade number one!"
Blake: *He rolled his eyes.* "You forgetting, you're like on my Scoldrant, aye. One snap of the finger and you're gone, dog."
Tara: "Fufufu.. You really are a girly dirty lamp."
Blake: "Dog-"
Tara: *She snapped her whip and chuckled.* "Out of all the members, you're the only one without an actual weapon."
Blake: "So what?"
Tara: "Blakey, blakey... My dear boy-" *She snapped the whip again and took a step forward.* "You want to refresh my memory what everyone's abilities are?"
Blake: "I don't need to be lectured by an inferior ranking warrior-"
Tara: "My baby can hold onto anything.. Zazark can Astral trace one Rostical used on him. Tyson can manipulate the objects around him. Synthoss has the royal blood and allows her to use Rostical at its strongest. Quintess can slip through solid objects and you.. Control a couple of animals.."
Blake: "You know I can summon, rite?"
Tara: "Fufufufu, even though I hated working under you, the best thing I learnt-" *She glared at Blake with widening eyes.* "You have trouble opening multiple contracts or Spacial Funnels at once-"
Blake: "So? Like, I could put my hand in the water and command the Scoldrants to attack-"
Tara: "Do it." *She spread her arms with a confident smirk.*
Blake: "I-..." (Shit-) *He gritted his teeth, as if he knew he couldn't.*
Tara: "We've been on your stupid animal for what feels like a week! You must be getting low on Neurons now."
Blake: *He looked down and observed Amanda's blubber, causing him to smile.* "So wat?"
Tara: "I should've done this from the start!" *She ran towards Blake and flicked her wrist, snapping the whip high into the air behind her.*
Blake: "Bring it-" *He jumped forward and slid towards Tara, bending his knees.*
Tara: "What are you doing?" *She spoke with a smile, as if she found Blake's movements pathetic.*
Blake: "Fufu-" *He suddenly spiralled on one foot, taking advantage of Amanda's slippery blubber.*
Tara: "On the floor where you belong-" *She looked down and readied to kick Blake in the face.*
Blake: *He swept Tara off her feet and spiralled back up, kicking her in the gut.* "Hiyah-"
Champion: "From when we encountered Whitehead-" *She gently touched Luna's hand and raised her arm, allowing her to feel her nails.* "Intriguing, your nails look like they're in perfect condition, but they feel as hard as stone."
Luna: "Not this again, aye! They feel-" *She grunted in frustration and withdrew her arm, allowing her to inspect them herself.* "The f-?! They're like stone-"
Champion: "One could only assume that it's due to the Soul Link."
Luna: "Don't assume with Rach over there, aha."
Champion: "Funny." *She spoke with a smile and closed her eyes.*
Luna: "You usually laugh at somethin' funny, not say it." *She spoke in a more friendly manner.*
Champion: "I had an idea."
Luna: "'Bout wat?"
Champion: "To slightly go off topic for a little moment. I feel Rostical has many uses. Some can be used for survival and a way of life. It can also be used for entertainment."
Luna: "Entertainment?" *She grunted in disgust.*
Destiny: (How is Rostical used for entertainment?)
Luna: (I dunno-)
Champion: "A beautiful village of unusual people-" *She quickly shook her head and opened her eyes, swaying to each side due to the ship.* "And for offensive. I believe using combinations of each Rostical or using what you have to your advantage."
Luna: "O-K?"