Corrupted Radiatons Page 3
*Karol looked up in thought, kicking his legs while Luna sat beside him observing her nails.*
Karol: "Hrm, ermm, hmm, harh-"
Luna: "Aye? Wat are ya doin'?"
Karol: "S-Sorry. I like to hum."
Luna: "I thought you were a dancer, aha."
Karol: "Nee hee.. Singing halps me relax."
Luna: "Why do you need to relax?" *She grunted, raising an eyebrow in confusion.*
Karol: "It doesn't matta."
Luna: "Oi." *She grunted again and leant to the side, purposely nudging Karol.*
Karol: "I some times feel useless."
Luna: "H-Huh?" *She whispered on her breath in shock.*
Karol: "Everywon is doing what they want to dooh.. I still haven't done anyfing to halp find my mumsy and dadsy."
Luna: "Nah, don't be like that, aye." *She looked up to the sky and stared at the darkening clouds the ship sailed towards.*
Karol: "Loona?"
Luna: "You're pretty epic with your stupid dances, aye. You've helped us out heaps, possibly even saved our arses from life or death situations."
Karol: "Me?"
Luna: "Just 'cause we're progressin' faster than ya, doesn't mean shit."
Karol: "P-Poop?" *He looked at Luna in confusion.*
Luna: "Ah, I'm not usually good with this stuff, but, like.. We'll be here for ya, we'll help you find your parents when we get some info."
Karol: "Yooh will?" *He spoke with a smile and appreciation.*
Luna: "Just, don't tell anyone I said this, aye."
Destiny: (Luna...) *She thought to herself, as if she was smiling.*
Karol: "O-Of course!"
Luna: "That shit you were hummin' before, sounds kinda rehearsed."
Karol: "Ah huh." *He nodded his head and started to kick his legs again.* "I want to do my own original song."
Luna: "Oh yea? I could help ya out some time."
Karol: "Yooh?" *He looked unconvinced.*
Luna: "Aha, you little shit-" *She grunted, placing her hand on Karol's head.* "I'm a writer."
Karol: "W-What?" *He spoke with a dropping jaw, as if he wasn't expecting that.*
Luna: "Yea. I like to write fantasy stuff."
Karol: "Like what?"
Luna: "Well, exactly wat I'm goin' through." *She spoke with a smile, as if she was recollecting her previous stories.* "They aren't good enough though, so it's not like I got published or anythin'."
Karol: "Pub-leashed?"
Luna: "Don't matter. Wat do you like singin' about?"
Destiny: "Yeu.." *She floated down, gently landing on top of Luna's head.*
Karol: "Fwiends or famwily."
Klaus: *He squinted his eyes inside the swirling darkness, watching Sheridan and the men stand around him.* (I wasn't there, when my son needed me the most.. My drive.. My drive to avenge my flesh and blood!)
*Klaus suddenly screamed and the shadows pulsed around him, causing Sheridan and the men to step back with gasps.*
Sheridan: "What?"
Klaus: "Your pitiful drive is nothing compared to mine!"
Rachael: *She straightened her arm, watching Lezard, Karol and Nathan walk ahead.* "Let them just absorb what's happening before we all walk in."
Luna: "OK."
Champion: "Oh my, understandable."
Lezard: *He walked into The Frozen Backwater village, observing the fire-based damage.* (I was too late?)
Karol: "Lezard?!" *He ran into the village, tripping on his own foot.* "Oof-" *He fell to the ground, coughing out dirt.*
Lezard: "Karol, I was too late." *He walked forward, continuing to observe the destruction of the village.*
Karol: "Umm-"
Nathan: *He walked over Karol and grunted, picking him up with one hand.* "Were we really too late?"
Trevour: *His armour rattled, as he staggered into the village.* "Whoa, this situation looks temperamental!" *He mumbled in shock, staring at the glass on the ground.*
Karol: *He brushed dirt off his pants, looking at Nathan.* "F-Fanks, Nafan."
Nathan: "Lezard?" *He mumbled, sympathising with Lezard.*
Lezard: *He noticed Millard's cone-shaped hat, causing him to rub his arm in a comfort-like manner.* "He was here."
*Nathan, Karol and Trevour walked towards Lezard, watching him pick up the hat.*
Lezard: "I will avenge my mother and father's death." *He brushed charcoal off the hat, placing it on his head.*
Nathan: "Who did this?"
Lezard: "I don't know who's to blame.. Mother and father monster are gone." *He spoke with quivering lips and adjusted the cone-shaped hat on his head.*
Rachael: "A Hi-Ougi?"
Trevour: "I don't know much about these types of Ougis-"
Karol: "I know a lot about Hi-Ougis."
Rachael: "How?"
Karol: *He looked down, staring at Trinity and Infinity.* "It's my bloodline."
*The twins stood back to back and held each other's hands, closing their eyes.*
*Twortz and Sofia flashstepped into a large stone room with everything painted different shades of silver.*
Sofia: "Here are your new clothes." *She nudged her head towards a rack of platinum coloured armour.*
Twortz: *She took a deep breath and suddenly looked uncomfortable, gently touching her arm.* "What-?"
Sofia: "The Rasticplash of being pulled into a flashstep. Get used to it."
Twortz: "That is no way to speak to your superior."
Sofia: "Hahehahe." *She laughed in a condescending-like manner.* "What a feat you pulled."
Twortz: "She had it coming. Are you going to judge me?"
Sofia: "Judge? No. I did the same thing."
Twortz: "By joining the captains?"
Sofia: "I was already a captain. I killed two others to gain my seat. One was Kieran and.. I can't seem to remember the other?" *She looked up, placing her finger on her lips in thought.*
Twortz: *She shook her head, as if she didn't care.* "Where is PKMY?"
Sofia: "Pee-Kay-Who?"
Twortz: "She's a captain, short red hair."
Sofia: "Oh! PKMY.. Yes, she recently ran away from the warriors."
Twortz: "But, this couldn't have been more than two years ago!"
Sofia: "Ya ha. Don't worry, we're trying to find her whereabouts."
Twortz: (So, she's still out there?!) *She frowned in thought.* (I will kill you, PKMY.)
Klaus: "You don't care for Sasuke or Asuna? Or even the citizen's of Silver Wind Island? What kind of Susanoo are you-?"
Arcadia: "Have you seen the environment?!" *Her image started to become transparent.* "Or are thou purposely turning a blind eye for it?!"
Klaus: "It's a necessity!"
Ginger: "Brother! The planet is dying without its power!"
Klaus: *He clicked his fingers, causing a swirl of aurora to sway around his hand, solidifying into the scythe.* "If it's a Sacred Knight, then I will research about them."
Arcadia: "Thou can't!-"
Klaus: "Wake up!" *He pushed forward and a blast of aurora shot Arcadia in the head.*
Arcadia: "Herh-?" *She fell back, bursting into tiny white orbs as soon as she touched the ground.*
Ginger: "Arcadia!-"
Klaus: "Yeoshh-" *He turned around and suddenly warped out of Ginger's sight, leaving behind twinkles of aurora coloured light.*
Ginger: "B-Brother.." *She suddenly gasped in realisation and turned around, as if she had no time to be sad.* "Arcadia!"
Arcadia: *She gasped into consciousness and coughed out blood.* "That was close-"
*Arcadia sighed in relief and leant back in her wheelchair, wiping off the accumulating sweat on her face.*
Arcadia: "Was it due to my previous fight with Niklauseh? Thy don't understand why thy was weakened." *She listened to the sounds of hollow footsteps run towards the room.*
nger: *She flicked open the curtain, intensely staring at Arcadia.* "Are you hurt? Please respond!"
Arcadia: "It's unusual seeing thou with such emotions, Ginger."
Ginger: "Why is he doing this? It's hard to understand one's logic when they're filled with emotion. Ey.." *She spoke with watering eyes.*
Arcadia: *Her golden eyes reverted back to their respective hazel and red colours.* "Ginger-"
Ginger: "What's this about being ordered to kill my brother?!"
Arcadia: "Thy was told the order to return the Aurorions very recently-"
Ginger: "Why...?" *She whispered on her breath, overwhelmed with negative emotions.* "Why do you do this behind my back?"
Arcadia: ".. Thy didn't do it behind your back-"
Ginger: "Then why didn't you tell me?!" *She screamed and angrily took a step forward.* "This is my family, Arcadia."
Arcadia: "Thy understand-"
Ginger: "Do you really?!"
Arcadia: "H-Huh?" *She spoke in shock.*
Ginger: "You have no family! And you have no friends! How can you possibly understand what I'm feeling?! Please respond!"
Arcadia: *Her eyes watered, as she stared at Ginger with a dumbfounded look.* "..."
Ginger: "I trusted you! How could you hide something so important?!"
Arcadia: "Thy'm just doing what thy'm told-"
Ginger: "Ey, Arcadia. I understand your logic now." *She turned around and started to walk away.* "Get lost.. Do as you're told."
Arcadia: "..."
Ginger: *She stepped onto the veranda, as a door appeared behind her in a gulf of flames.* (Niklauseh, I will stop you.. But I will not kill you.)
Champion: *She leant over Karol, gently placing him on the deck.* "I think the fresh air and sun will do him good."
Rachael: "Excellent. I'm quite tired myself." *She spoke abruptly and walked towards the cabin.*
Karol: "A-Ah.. Where?" *He started to regain consciousness.*
Champion: "Welcome back, Karol-"
Karol: "W-What happened? Where's Twevour?" *His questions caused the guild to remain silent.*
Whitehead: *He silently steered the ship, as if he knew something bad happened.* "..."
Rachael: *She closed the door behind her, resting her back against it.* "..."
Karol: "Where's the evil member?" *He glanced to each side for Zazark in a half awaken state.* "Twevour-?"
Luna: "He's dead." *She abruptly shouted out and quickly turned around to face the ocean.*
Nathan: "Luna!"
Rosemary: "..."
Lezard: "Well.. You see.." *He looked at Karol with clear signs he had been crying.*
Karol: "T-Twev.. H-He died?" *He spoke with understanding and disbelief.*
Champion: *She looked out into the ocean, as a tear silently ran down her face.* (A child at that age should not grow accustomed to death.)
Karol: "Trevour..? You're gone?" *His eyes started to water.*
Destiny: (Why did you blurt that out?)
Luna: (I can't..) "Just shut up, please."
Destiny: *She floated in Luna's arms and started to purr.* "Yuerr."
Nathan: "He wanted us to tell you something-"
Karol: "Na uh." *He shook his head and started to cry, as he screamed at the clouds.* "Why did you weave me?!"
Lezard: "Little meister-"
Karol: "He called me that! Stahp!" *He screamed at Lezard.*
Nathan: "That's enough!" *He shouted in a very deep and angry tone.* "You aren't the only one that's upset about this!"
Karol: "N-Nafan?" *He looked surprised and glanced at each member on the deck, noticing their depressed faces.*
Nathan: "He wants you to sing your song and to never give up on the guild! Got it?!"
Karol: *He started to sob.* "No! Why?!" *He started to hit the deck in a girly-like manner.*
Champion: "Karol.." *She sniffed and wiped away the tears, hobbling up to Karol.* "Is this what Trevour would want?"
Karol: "I dhon't know! He's dead!"
Luna: *She sighed with a blocked nose.* "This sure beats watchin' a drama show."
Destiny: (Yeup.)
Karol: "He looked after me." *He cried on his own little fists, as he rocked back and forth for self comfort.*
Champion: "..."
Lezard: "..."
Alan: (I didn't realise these people valued Trevour so much.. They're just as upset as us.. His real family-)
Nathan: "When a Scoldrant User loses a member of their pack, we usually farewell them with one last message."
Lezard: *He adjusted his cone-shaped hat and looked at Nathan.* "..."
Karol: "Nafan?"
Nathan: "And there's only one message I want to tell him." *He walked to the middle of the deck and stared up to the clouds.* "Trevour, we love you!"
Karol: "..."
Nathan: "Trevour, we love you!"
Champion: "Trevour-"
Nathan and Champion: "We love you."
Rosemary: "Trevour-"
Alan: "Trev-"
Felipe: "Brother-"
Rosemary, Alan and Felipe: "We love you."
Lezard: "Trevour, we love you."
Luna and Lezard: "Trevour, we love you."
Destiny: (Trevour, we love you.)
Karol: *He watched the entire guild scream at the top of their lungs towards the clouds.* "Twevour, we love yooh!"
The Rostical Guild: "Trevour, we love you!"
Meister Siblings: "Trevour, we love you!"
The Rostical Guild: "Trevour, we love you!"
Meister Siblings: "Trevour, we love you!"