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Corrupted Radiatons Page 4

  The Rostical Guild: "Trevour, we love you!"

  Meister Siblings: "Trevour, we love you!"

  The Rostical Guild: "Trevour, we love you!"

  Meister Siblings: "Trevour, we love you!"

  *Rachael slowly dragged her back down the door and sat behind it, trying to shut out the sad cries.*

  Rachael: "Trevour... We love you.." *She spoke with quivering lips and wiped away a tear before it fell down her cheek.*


  *A black demonic-like figure slept deep inside a cave, trapped in different coloured glyphs which glowed across the room.*

  ?????: "Tsssss?!" *It suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a bright eerie yellow light which glowed from its eyes.*


  *Ridley sat in a small dusty library and adjusted glasses which he wore for an unusual reason.*

  Ridley: "Interesting-" *He mumbled while he read and suddenly gasped in disbelief.* "This energy signature?!"

  *Ridley lowered the glasses and started to shake in shock, as if something bad has happened.*

  Ridley, I understand the activation of the four Unknown Territories' glyphs have disturbed nature's Astragons... Your seal, Gabby, it's weakened, hasn't it?"


  *The black demonic-like creature screeched, causing several of the glyphs keeping it inside to shatter and weaken.*


  Ridley: *He closed the book and stood up, slowly walking out of the room.* "I'll finish off our dream before I visit you..."

  *Ridley walked out of a room with glowing door frames and stepped into another room, finding himself in a research facility.*


  *Twortz stood on the spot with a growing smile and listened to the sounds of the wind blowing the trees in the very far distance.*

  Twortz: *She took a step forward, watching a multi-layered warp in the air show her reflection.* "I have found it.. The last Unknown Territory."

  *Twortz giggled to herself in accomplishment and pressed her hand on her warped reflection, causing an enormous image of a castle to appear in front of her.*

  Twortz: "I will tell the Consultant about my findings immediately."

  Chapter 1: Blood Bath

  *A demon-like creature glanced across a multicoloured cave with double vision, as if it just started to wake up.*

  ?????: *It looked around the cave in disorientation, ignoring the slight hum from several glyphs surrounding it.* "Where...?"

  *The creature's eyes fixated on a nearby broken glyph, causing its eerie yellow eyes to glow brighter.*

  ?????: "These glyphs, they're... They're locking me inside?!" *It spoke with a computerised voice and started to take deep breaths, as if it started to panic.*

  *The non-cracked glyphs started to shake, as emotions continued to fill the creature.*

  ?????: "Why am I being trapped?!" *It shouted with an echoing computerised voice and all the glyphs around it violently shattered away.*

  *The cave started to darken, as the glow from the fading glyphs flickered into darkness.*

  ?????: "This... Hunger?" *It touched its black scaly body and felt its stomach.* "I crave.. Neurons?"

  *The demon-like creature took a step forward and suddenly disappeared, causing the dark ground to crack where it stood.*


  *The creature suddenly appeared outside and squinted its eyes, glancing directly at the sun.*

  ?????: "Who am I? What purpose do I have here-?"

  *An eagle-like screech caught the demon's attention, as a human-sized raven dived down, directly towards the creature.*

  ?????: "No!" *It reached over its shoulder, as if it was going to grab a bow and arrow.* "An arrow?"

  Scoldrant: "Skarh! Tailwind Slash." *Its screech echoed and its talons suddenly tripled in size, alerting the creature.*

  ?????: "An Azure Burst?" *It spoke in confusion, as if it didn't know anything.*

  Scoldrant: *It flapped its long wings and elegantly spiralled into striking distance, slashing its talons across the demon-like creature.* "Skarh!-"

  ?????: *The sounds of the wind noticeably deepened, as everything moved in slow motion.* (My body? It's-)

  *The creature swayed its arm across, watching its hand wave through the Scoldrant's shattering talons.*

  ?????: (What is my name?) *It spun around at blinding speeds and watched the Scoldrant flap towards the ground in slow motion.*

  Scoldrant: *It violently spiralled into the ground and screeched, intensely staring at its broken talons.* "S-Skarh-?!"

  *The demon-like creature suddenly appeared directly in front of the Scoldrant and gently waved its hand, slapped the Scoldrant back into the air.*

  ?????: "My strength?" *It suddenly smiled, revealing canine-like teeth.* "But why am I wearing no clothes?"

  Scoldrant: "Skar!-" *It violently hit the ground, causing a loud crack to be heard.*

  ?????: "Disrupting my thoughts-" *It looked up, glaring at the Scoldrant.* "Will you give me your Neurons?"

  Scoldrant: "Sk-" *It screeched in pain, as one of its wings had snapped.* "Skarh!-"

  ?????: *It flashstepped directly in front of the Scoldrant.* "Feed me-" *Its eyes glowed, causing the Scoldrant's eyes to suddenly glow yellow too.*

  Scoldrant: "Skarhhh-" *It twitched in shock, as if its body was reacting to the yellow-eyed symptom.*

  ?????: "Now-" *It raised its arm and its fingers suddenly extended like vines, piercing into the Scoldrant's body.*

  Scoldrant: "Skarh!-" *Its body suddenly burst into tiny white orbs, leaving behind orange blood on the creature's vine-like fingers.*

  ?????: "That tasted great-"

  *A heartbeat-like pulse thumped through the creature's body, causing it to lean forward in pain.*

  ?????: "No!" (What have I become? I'm a good-)

  *The demon-like creature thought to itself in confusion and made unusual computerise-like sounds, before triggering a flashback.*


  *Two men walked through a beautiful forest, looking at a large lake.*

  ?????: *He brushed his hand through his short black hair.* "Do you get the hypothesis in the formula?"

  ?????: *A blonde haired man in robes, nodded his head and squinted his blue eyes, adjusting poorly fashioned glasses on his face.* "I get it."

  Black Haired Man: "Superb-"

  ?????: "Ha ha."

  Black Haired Man: "What is it?" *He looked at the man, staring at his glasses in confusion.*

  ?????: "My name is Ridz and I'm the incredibly smart." *He chuckled, glancing at the black haired man in a condescending, playful-like manner.*

  Ridz: "You have nothing to worry about, Gabriel."

  Gabriel: "Ha ha, sure, just because you're the genius of the city." *He punched Ridz on the shoulder.*

  Ridz: *He sighed, rubbing his shoulder.* "You've always had such a strange way of displaying compliments."

  Gabriel: "But seriously, I just want to protect everyone." *He took several steps, kicking a rock into the lake.*

  Ridz: *He watched the water ripple, nodding his head in agreement.* "I know, so do I-"

  *A high-pitch scream echoed in the forest, causing a flock of birds to fly away.*

  Gabriel: "W-What was that?"

  Ridz: "I don't know." *He looked startled, staring at a cluster of bushes in front of him.* "Whoever it is, sounds like they're in trouble!"

  Gabriel: *He closed his eyes, pushing up his glasses.* "Let's go-" *He watched Ridz run towards the bushes, waving his arms in shock.* "We don't know what's out there!"

  Ridz: "Someone is in trouble." *He took large adamant-like steps, running towards the sound of the scream.*

  Gabriel: (We don't even know what the reason was for warranting such a scream-) *He gritted his teeth in thought, chasing after Ridley.*


  *The demon-like creature snapped out of its flashback and started to breathe heavily.*

  ?????: "Ridz? Ridley.. My friend.. That's right!" *It looked up, as if memories started to flood i
ts head.* "We're good people, that's right.. We want to protect anyone in need."


  Ridley: *He ran through thick bushes and took deep breaths, squinting his eyes.* "..."

  Gabriel: "Ridz, w-wait up!" *He awkwardly stepped forward, as his robes became entangled in the bushes.*

  Ridley: *He ran into a small clearing and gasped with widening eyes.* "..." *He stared at a large Scoldrant, watching it arch over a small child.* "B-Boy! Are you okay?!"

  Scoldrant: "Groarh?" *It quickly tilted its head up, staring at Ridley.*

  Child: "I-I was just exploring th-the forest t-to help activate my Remenistal powers!" *He whined in fear, sobbing each word.*

  Ridley: "Just relax!-"

  Gabriel: *He stumbled behind Ridley, recovering his body posture.* "Ridz, what is it?"

  Ridley: "Umm-" *He looked over his shoulder, stepping back in shock.* "Scoldrant-"

  Scoldrant: *It looked down and glared at the boy, causing the child to fall unconscious.* "Groarh!" *It stood up and faced Ridley, taking several steps towards him.*

  Gabriel: "W-We didn't think this through-" *He mumbled at Ridley, intensely staring at the Scoldrant.* ".. Did we?"

  Scoldrant: "Grrraaaorrrrr." *It raised its arm and streams of lightning flashed around its wrist.*

  Ridley: *He stared at the lightning with widening eyes.* "..."

  Gabriel: "Ridz, it's a Remenistal using Scoldrant. We need to run!"

  Ridley: "..." *He tightened his hands and gritted his teeth, bracing himself.*

  Gabriel: "Ridz?!"

  Ridley: "I need to save the child, Gabby."

  Gabriel: *He sighed and smiled, reaching up his sleeve.* "What do you want me to do?" *He calmed himself down, pulling out a plank of wood.*

  Ridley: *He looked at Gabriel, nodding his head with a smile.* "Judging by our distance and calculating its possible Neuron output, the Remenistal will strike in fourteen seconds."

  Gabriel: "And I care about statistics?" *He tightened his grip around the plank, causing it to fold out and curve.* (Easy storage-) *A string connected the ends, forming itself into a large bow.* "Any weak spots?"

  Ridley: *He mumbled, observing the Scoldrant from top to bottom.* "The Neurons are weakest in its left arm."

  Gabriel: "Left arm?" *He pushed his glasses up, raising the bow in confidence.*

  Scoldrant: *It took a step forward, suddenly flashstepping behind Ridley and Gabriel.* "..."

  Ridley: "Gabby!"

  Gabriel: "Got it." *He quickly spun around on one foot, pulling the string back.* (This feeling is fantastic!) *He smirked and tilted his head to the side, squinting one eye.*

  Ridley: *He watched the Scoldrant lean over Gabriel, raising its arm in the air.* (It's going to hit Gabriel?!)

  Scoldrant: "Rrrrrarh." *It formed a fist, causing flashes of lightning to spark around its body.*

  Gabriel: *An arrow made of wind hummed around his bow.* (Need a little more time-)

  Ridley: (There's no time-) *He frowned in desperation, jumping in front of Gabriel.*

  Scoldrant: "Groar!" *It punched Ridley on the shoulder, causing strings of lightning to burn his clothing.*

  Ridley: "Arh!" *He fell to one knee, grunting in pain.*

  Gabriel: (Sorry, Ridz-) *He flicked the string, blasting the arrow into the Scoldrant's chest.*

  Scoldrant: "Grarh!-" *The arrow pushed the Scoldrant back, scraping its feet along the ground.*


  *Gabriel glanced at his black scales in confusion, as if he didn't remember what happened.*

  Gabriel: "I was a researcher and used my creations in battle? I see."

  *Gabriel squinted his yellow eyes, as if he was comprehending what happened in his flashbacks.*

  Gabriel: *He glanced at his black scaly fingers, twiddling them in confusion.* "Then.. What happened to me?"


  Gabriel: "You know your experiment that you used to let me gain these powers?"

  Ridley: "Y-Yes."

  Gabriel: "Well, I wanted to surprise you by doing the same thing."

  Ridley: "For what purpose?"

  Gabriel: "By having your affinity use all four elements at once." *He whimpered in pain, gritting his teeth.*

  Ridley: "When did you do these experiments?"

  Gabriel: "Just before our confrontation with Raphael."

  Ridley: "How, you had no time?"

  Gabriel: "The reason why I was shocked when you told me about the affinity was because-, argh-" *He wheezed, noticing his fingers shake in a sickly-like manner.* "It kind of felt like you ruined the surprise."

  Ridley: "Why, advanced experiments in the category are usually conducted by myself-"

  Gabriel: "I thought I found the right formula, so I needed to test it. On my way to tell you, I found an Elementalist."

  Ridley: "Really?"

  Gabriel: "It worked-" *He coughed, looking up to Ridley.*

  Ridley: "But?"

  Gabriel: "Something overloaded the poor girl and she suddenly exerted aggressive like behaviour."

  Ridley: (Sounds like it must've altered the way her body responds to Neurons or Astragons if she responded in such a manner-)

  Gabriel: "Her pupils dilated and completely turned into black. Before I had a chance to do anything, she fled."

  Ridley: "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

  Gabriel: "I was embarrassed-"

  Ridley: "Your embarrassment caused this woman-" *He noticed Gabriel struggle to breathe in exhaustion, causing his anger to subside.* "Okay, so why did you tell me now?"

  Gabriel: "Something is burning inside."


  Gabriel: "What happened? I was sick?" *He looked up with his eerie yellow eyes and observed the vegetation around him.* "Have I been moved? I don't recognise this place?"

  *Gabriel stared at several trees and triggered a flashback of the same area with a slightly different landscape.*

  Gabriel: "How long have I been asleep for?"

  *Another heartbeat-like pulse thumped through Gabriel's body, causing him to unintentionally release a clear, visible wave into the air.*
